LED Bedspreads and Curtains
15th May 2023
Remember the old glow in the dark stars that you used to blu-tac to your
ceiling as a child?
Or maybe your favourite night light you couldn’t sleep without? Well
these may become a thing of the past for future generations thanks to
light up bedspreads and curtains. A French Firm has created a material
that lights ups and glows in what is described as a “subtle and
mysterious” effect.
The fabric uses fiber-optics to carry the light through and has a
battery operat
LED Lamp Labelling Explained
8th May 2023
Have you ever gone to purchase an LED lamp and been overwhelmed with the labelling?With so much LED lingo used on labelling it can be confusing when you find yourself thinking I just want a new bulb! So here is your guide to LED labeling hopefully it will clear up any confusion and help you find the right bulb for you.Lumens Instead of WattsTraditionally when replacing an incandescent bulb you would simply look for a 60watt bulb (as an example). But now with the production of LED light bulbs, CF
LED: The Perfect Answer for Daytime Running Lights
12th Mar 2023
In 2008, the European Union agreed on a new law which affects
drivers, vehicles and LED light bulbs.LED light bulbs and DRLs
In accordance with the law, from February 2011 all new cars and small vans in the UK must have daytime running lights (DRLs). From August 2012, the same applies to all new lorries and buses.
Motorists with these vehicles must use DRLs during
daylight hours. They serve as a warning to pedestrians and other motorists.
When the issue of DRLs first arose, car ma